Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Role of Adaptability and Reinvention

A few years back, an engineer at SONY predicted that music CDs would eventually disappear, rendering the SONY Discman unusable. This was due to the rapid advancements in the internet and information storage and transmission. This is commonplace now, but imagine 10 years ago.

Word has it, the engineer suggested a switch to a device that would store and reproduce music, rather than a device that would depend on external means of storing data like discs and the like. SONY executives ignored him claiming that the switch would be too costly and that it went against Morita-san's original vision of the Walkman. Poor guy. And then came the Ipod and the rest is history....

The point here is that adaptability, reinvention, innovation and vision should be at the core of a company's development. I think the same of our career lives. Adapt and grow or risk stagnation. 

I previously mentioned the Adverting Age article Reinvention, Not Just for the New Year by Darryl Ohrt.  Darryl suggests innovating and revisiting various aspects of the company quarterly or biannually.  I suggest regularly revisiting the following points to avoid career stagnation:

Your brand: How are you seen by others or portray yourself within the organization?
Your operations: How can you innovate in your day-to-day activities to further improve?
Your role in the organization:  What other roles can you play to further contribute?
Your network:  How solid and updated is your professional network?

What can you adapt or re-invent to spice up your work?

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