Friday, January 1, 2010

Forget New Year's Resolutions

It's that time of the year again: Celebration, gift giving, partying and well-wishing. All very well intended and deserved. Then, we are confronted with the reality of the reading on the meter below our feet and the prospect of going back to work after yet another holiday that came and went without us even noticing (or so we say).

But we can always come up with New Year's Resolutions to feel better after all the eating and drinking and lazing around during the holidays. I do not want to sound negative, but NYRs end up being just that, wishes made out of guilt or feeling that making a promise we will probably not follow through with will make us feel better, at least for a while. Where will the resolutions be by January 20th or so? Forgotten maybe?

Instead of New Year's Resolutions, we should identify, schedule and execute quarterly goals, even bi-annual and yearly goals made out of true resolution and objective planning, not guilt. Simple example: You should make it a point of updating your resume at by the end of every quarter to record achievements and successes (not just before applying for a job..which usually happens when you desperately need to....the worst timing ever). Have the discipline to schedule the 'Update Resume' task on your calendar and actually sit down and do it. Ask a friend or 'resume buddy' to work on his/hers with you and exchange feedback and views.

A resolution is just an empty promise if it lacks continuity and a clear plan or schedule for completion. Build accountability and support around any goal you set for yourself.

Thank you for your support this year and may 2010 be full of new challenges.

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